Building Updates: Heat in 870 | Electronics Recycling

During this weekend’s record-breaking cold, a number of residents in 870 reported having inadequate heat. While radiators were cycling on, they were not staying consistently hot enough to adequately heat apartments. In response, we had plumbers to the building on both Sunday and Monday, who made some small repairs and setting adjustments. We’re currently looking at making further improvements to the system’s timer in 870. If you have any concerns about your heat and radiators, please contact our Managing Agent, Howard Landman, at 212-483-0700 or

On a more positive note…electronics recycling! We recently learned from the City of New York that since enrolling in NYC’s electronics recycling program, our building has contributed to 480 pounds of electronics recycled in 2015. We thought those of you who contributed would be interested in this accomplishment!

– Board of Directors

West Gate House, Inc.
860-870 West 181 Street
New York, NY 10033
Howard Landman,
Managing Agent
Board of Directors
© 2025 West Gate House, Inc.