Please Report Any Issues with Heat and Radiators

During this past weekend, both 860 and 870 experienced a number of heat-related problems which the Board is working to mitigate in partnership with our building’s super, handyman and plumber.

In 870, the heat came on however several apartments reported too much heat and/or leaking radiator valves. In 860, the heat did not come on at all. As this was the first time that our heating system was fully tested since installing new radiator valves (“TRVs”) and making other major improvements to our boiler, we learned where it is necessary to make further adjustments to the heating system. Our plumber will be visiting both buildings to ensure we make those necessary modifications.

In the meantime, if you see steam or any water dripping from your radiator, this indicates a leak which requires immediate fixing. To report any radiator or heating issues, please send an email to the Board at Please include “Steam Leak” or “Heating Issue” in the subject line.

In addition, the Board will be distributing a TRV informational guide sheet later this week.

The upgrades made over the summer will have long-term benefit to our energy costs. We appreciate your patience as we right-size these upgrades and continue to fine-tune our heating system requirements. As always, you may contact the Board at with any questions.

– Board of Directors

West Gate House, Inc.
860-870 West 181 Street
New York, NY 10033
Howard Landman,
Managing Agent
Board of Directors
© 2025 West Gate House, Inc.