Updates on Local Law 11 & 147 | Stairwell Repair Work

There are a number of updates the Board would like to provide residents regarding current and future projects:

1 – Local Law 11 | Façade Inspection Safety

As evidenced by the scaffolding around 860, our building is currently responding to the requirements of Local Law 11, which mandates that building facades are regularly inspected and repaired in order to protect pedestrians. Our contractor for this project has reported that they are nearly complete with the parapet rebuild in 860, which was the main scope of work for the project. The work is progressing as expected and there are no surprises thus far. As a reminder, 870 is expected to be less work and will start once 860 has passed inspections.

2. Local Law 147 | Adoption of a Smoking Policy

This law requires that every residential building establish a written policy that states where in the building and in all common outdoor areas smoking is permitted or prohibited. The law requires that
the policy is provided to all residents. West Gate House has long had policies in place that address rules regarding smoking in our common spaces however in order to comply with LL 147 and for the avoidance of any doubt, the Board recently drafted and approved a formal, written smoking policy. The policy will be distributed in hard copy to every resident as well as posted on our website in the coming weeks.

3. New Stairwell Repair Work

In response to a suggestion made during the most recent annual shareholder meeting, the Board decided to move forward with an inspection and repair (as needed) of all stairwell doors in both buildings for fire safety purposes. Our contractor for this work recently completed this inspection and identified 15 doors that will require some type of adjustment or repair. The work will be started in the coming weeks. We will communicate separately if there will be any temporary changes to stairwell access during the day resulting from this project.

As always, if you have any questions, you may contact the Board at wghpresident@gmail.com

West Gate House, Inc.
860-870 West 181 Street
New York, NY 10033
Howard Landman,
Managing Agent
Board of Directors
© 2025 West Gate House, Inc.